Our gardens and orchards are plentiful at Innovations. Students are working in the garden, harvesting vegetables, picking fruit and planting new crops every day. Of course, they also enjoy the bounty of their work by eating yummy garden products and creating new recipes throughout the year.
To start off another year of garden work and promoting healthy, balanced eating diets - Miss Melissa and Miss Krista presented a fun skit and important information to students through a morning assembly. The skit was produced with student-created props and puppeteers while important information about the life cycle of rat lungworm and the way that food can be infected was presented to students.
Miss Melissa also identified important food handling procedures and protocols that every should implement - both at school and at home - to protect ourselves from this potentially deadly disease.
We encourage everyone to watch this engaging presentation and implement these safety protocols in your households. The protocols and safety measures discussed in the presentation are in place here at school - all children practice and follow the procedures to ensure safe participation on our garden programs.