Hiring Procedures and Job Opportunities
Hiring Overview & Procedures
Innovations Public Charter School is dedicated to providing students a non-traditional environment that meets each individual learner's needs through interdisciplinary, inquiry and project-based curriculum infused with technology in multi-aged classrooms.
Staff at Innovations includes credentialed, non-credentialed and community educators and support personnel. Their role is to directly provide for the means and the atmosphere that enable students to learn. Their relationship to one another is as a team member, in the sense that every staff person (with learners) shares in the responsibility for the educational process. The governing procedure is flexible, maximizing opportunities for consensus decision-making, and assuring that those most responsible for specific aspects have the authority and resources needed to carry out their mandates.
Innovations staff believes that each student's education is strengthened by the partnership of families with school staff. All families are encouraged to participate by assisting in the classroom, organizing and participating in school activities, sharing talents and hobbies, participating in school governance and more. This participation is critical to the success of our students and our school.
Our community is our biggest resource. Innovations invites all community members to become involved in education by providing resources and opportunities for our students.
School Contact Information
Jennifer Hiro, Director
Innovations Public Charter School
75-5815 Queen Ka'ahumanu Hwy.
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
Phone: (808)331-3130
E-mail: jhiro@innovationspcs.net
Hiring Procedure:
A Personnel Committee comprised of educational staff and the Governing School Board oversee the hiring process which is as follows:
applicant submits job application / resume with references
screen applications for qualified applicants
set up and conduct interviews with most qualified applicants
hands-on session for applicants at IPCS if applicable
personnel committee reviews all data and makes recommendations to Board
Governing School Board reviews recommendations and makes selections; applicants are chosen on the basis of fit with required job duties
reference and background check
notify all applicants
orientation and induction
Applying for a Position:
1. Request a Job Application from Jennifer Hiro (contact information above) or print out and fill in a Job Application located at HERE
2. Submit application and resume with references to Jennifer Hiro at address above.
3. Applicants that best meet the qualifications and needs of the position will be notified regarding an interview.
Information for Prospective Charter Employees
Governance and Hiring: Charter schools are governed by a Governing School Board that is responsible for the hiring of staff. The Governing School Board is comprised of teachers, support staff, administrator, parents, and community members. A Personnel Committee will screen, interview and make recommendations to the Board for approval. A majority vote of the Board is required to confirm a recommendation of the PC panel.
Types of Positions: Most positions at IPCS are in a bargaining unit and eligible for benefits:
HSTA (Hawaii State Teachers Association),
HGEA (Hawaii Government Employees Association)
UPW (United Public Workers).
Innovations hires
Certificated Teachers,
Educational Assistants (EA),
Business Manager,
Facility Manager
Room Cleaner.
Casual Hire Employees (hourly) are not in a bargaining unit and do not receive benefits. Casual hire positions at IPCS include
Resource Instructors
Department Of Education (DOE) Status of Charter Teachers:
Charter schools are public schools of choice. They are subject to the collective bargaining law. All certificated teachers hired by a charter school are state employees with the same salary structure and benefits as any other DOE teacher.
All Charter School Employees are considered temporary hires. Contracts are for one year. Employees are evaluated yearly and those with satisfactory performance are invited back for rehire by the Governing School Board.
DOE Teacher vs Charter Teacher:
The DOE has two categories for teachers: Regular DOE employee and Charter School Employees. Employees in these two categories receive fringe benefits and are paid through the state Financial Management System (FMS).
DOE: Teachers who were initially hired by the DOE and have taught in a Hawaii DOE school before transferring to a charter school are in the DOE category. Former DOE teachers who are employed by a charter school retain all of their benefits (tenure, years of service and retirement) but do not gain additional years of seniority service while working in the charter school.
Charter School Employees (CSE): New teacher hires who work at a charter school are not DOE employees (they are Governing School Board employees), therefore do not accrue probation and tenure within the DOE system. CSE do not have transfer rights to regular DOE schools. CSE who leave the charter school and want to work for a DOE school need to apply to the DOE as a new teacher. Likewise, non-certificated teachers who work at a charter school do not accrue probation and tenure.
Transfers: DOE teachers may move to charter schools by following the regular transfer procedures. If a DOE tenured teachers completes their paperwork during the first posting, no resignation from DOE is required. If a DOE teacher accepts a charter school teaching position outside of the first posting of the DOE transfer period, a resignation is required. If a DOE teacher working for a charter school decides to move back to a DOE school, they may do so following the DOE transfer procedures and time lines.
Qualifications: The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) mandates that teachers in all public schools be Highly Qualified. To be HQ, you must be licensed by the State of Hawaii and be certificated to teach in your content area. Credentialed teachers who come from out of state must obtain a Hawaii Teaching License through the Hawaii Teachers Standards Board. Out of state teachers working for a Hawaii charter school have four years to obtain Hawaii Certification and pass all necessary requirements for HQ. Visit the HTSB website for complete details about licensing procedures at http://www.htsb.org/news/minakami.html
Current Make-up of School Population, Staff, and Instruction:
Innovations is located in the heart of Kailua-Kona. The school services students in grades K-8 with a team of 40 staff members. Core staff is certificated and Part Time Teachers (PTTs/ Tutors) are all college experienced. Math and Language Arts class size average is 22-24. The part-time teachers assist with instruction allowing for small group instruction and team planning time during the day. PTTs tutor small groups or individual children and help with lunch supervision.
Elementary students are placed in multiage groupings of first-second graders, third-fourth graders,and fifth-sixth graders. Students work in homeroom classes and receive resource services throughout the week (Music, PE, Drama, Art, Garden, Tech). Visual Art specialists are invited to teach throughout the year.
Middle school students are multi-aged and work in groups to attend Humanities, Math and Science classes. Each trimester, students sign up for two wheel (resource) classes - one physical and one in the arts.
Student hours are 7:45 to 2:45 daily except Fridays which has early dismissal at 12:45. Daily schedule for the elementary campus includes language arts and math, resource for students / team planning for core teachers, lunch and projects. On Fridays, students attend Interest Groups where they are given an opportunity to pursue special interests. The middle school students attend core classes and electives daily Monday - Thursday. On Fridays, students work out in the community with mentors or provide community service.
Administration: Shared Leadership is the model in place at Innovations. Teaching staff make curriculum decisions and a Leadership Team comprised of administration and teacher representatives facilitate all other decision making.
Employees who work at Innovations are dedicated to helping the school be the best that it can be and give generously of their time to the goals of the school.